SB-10-02, Menara Paragon
Persiaran Bestari, Cyber11
Cyberjay 63000,Selangor, Malaysia -
CODEX is a Malaysia & Bangladesh based Tech Company working with a view to solve social & Citizen problems with technology solutions.
Codex is focusing on Public Service Innovation, Software Development, Web Solution, Mobile Application, Digital Marketing, Graphics Design, 2D/3D animation and IT Training.
When we started in 2014 in Bangladesh, we were just a team of five people. Over the years, we have developed process and system. We are working hard to make sure that everyone is in line. Now we are a team of 23 people and very confident for making any kinds of software and mobile application.
We have realized that women are also good workers. So we have involved women in our company as workers and partners to reduce the discrimination among men and women. At the beginning, it was tough to survive, by very slow degrees we have established. We are progressing day by day.
We get the requirements from our clients, then customize the product according to the requirements and deliver it. Finally, we train the people and implement it on behalf of the clients. That’s the way we work. We also innovate some public services related to technology for reducing hassle, corruption and time. We are working with many Government and private organizations.
Our mission and vision are to solve social & citizen problems with technology solutions. CODEX believes that one day our dreams come true.
# Complete all requirements at a short time which is required.
# On Time On Budget Deliveries
# Shortened Lead Times for Project Start-Up
# Significant Cost Advantage
# Leverage Strong Project Management Expertise
# Leverage Highest Quality Standards
# Access To Diversified Pool of Skilled Professionals
# Shortened Development Cycles
# Response by short time on call if any problem occurred.